Sunday, August 1, 2010

Obamacare Class Action

I was minding my own business on Facebook today(for those of you who don't use Facebook, minding one's own business consists of minding everyone elses business who is your friend on the site), and came across this very exciting and interesting item:

Obamacare Class Action

A man named Van Irion, who is running for the Senate from the great state of Tennessee, has filed a Class Action lawsuit against Obamacare. I have NOT read the full site yet, so I am NOT asking you to add your name to the class action suit, but for your information, over 31,000 people have so far added their names to the suit.

They are asking not only for the repeal of Obamacare, but also to nullify the previous ruling concerning the Commerce Clause which has caused so very much trouble regarding our personal liberties.

So take some time, check out the site, and decide if adding your name to the list makes sense for you and for your family; we'll be doing the same thing here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey this is interesting. Thanks for the info. My hubby will be very interested in it too.

take care,