I've been thinking lately of wasted
opportunities. I've been so "busy" this late summer and fall, that I let the blackberries go to waste. This tasty, juicy gift from God wasted. Gone.
What else have I wasted as I've been so "busy"? And when I say "busy", it truly hasn't been anything of major importance. I haven't cured cancer or found a new answer to any of life's pressing questions. I've just existed.
Have I wasted my time with my family? Have I wasted my life
pursuing unimportant things? I've come to realize that my family means more to me than anything, and that I need to focus more fully on them. Laugh and Live more with them, not around them. Interact more. Talk more. Spend more "Fun" time. Let go of some of the things that are distracting me from my eternal goal of having an Eternal Family.An Apostle of the Lord recently spoke on "Good, Better and Best". I am vowing now to work at choosing the best, and not let these wonderful family ties take second seat.